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David L. Middleton is a highly regarded international consumer products sales and supply chain expert.  David’s experience includes being retained by leading U.S. and International companies to optimize packaging, marketing expenditures, distribution agreements, product placement and retail sales.  He is a consumer products veteran, serving some 32 years in prominent sales and management positions with Armour-Dial, Alberto Culver Co., McCormick Schilling, Herdez Inc., Hormel Foods and Tree Of Life, Inc. before starting his own company in 2002. 

Dr. Peter Rothschild is Considered one of the world's foremost MRI experts.  Dr. Rothschild authored the groundbreaking paper, “Infection Control in MRI”.  He formerly served as Medical Director of the research laboratory at the University of California at San Francisco, where he helped develop the first commercially available Open MRI scanner. He is the editor of the first textbook on Open MRI, authored numerous papers on the subject and is a sought after speaker who lectures on MRI and its future. Dr. Rothschild is a Board Certified Radiologist and served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology at the University of California at San Francisco. He earned his MD degree in 1981 from the University of Louisville, in Louisville, Kentucky. He is founder and president of Patient Comfort Systems, a company dedicated to patient comfort and safety.
